Technical Due Diligence
Business acquisitions, wide-ranging partnerships, and public financed projects require precise status analysis to assess the risk. In addition to capturing the financial status of the project, knowledge is required about the product marketability and internal company capabilities e.g. experience and skills of the staff and company procedures for project and marketing management. These analyses require professional experience, tact, and diplomacy as well as extensive technical knowledge - trained and matured over a long period in business - to understand problems in technology state of the art, procedures, and processes.
CRN was in the key role of the Technical Advisor in various large and medium projects, in public finance initiative as well as in the case of direct financing, both civilian and military customers. Large banks based their decision on the due diligence of CRN.
With its expertise and the proficiency of the project managers to guide and control their project professionally, CRN contributed to the project success.
After the due diligence, the investment was protected with consecutive progress audits carried out by CRN.
CRN has this experience which can be applied even in a difficult environment.
Our references and expertise
projects with banks as financiers
public-private partnership projects
civilian and military projects
small scale as well as lager scale projects