Network Management
Demands on businesses are becoming more numerous and more challenging. New business ideas can hardly be implemented alone anymore. CRN Management provides you with targeted contacts, task-oriented networks, and leads responsible cooperation efforts.
1. Network ideas
Benefits must be concrete and promising to find suitable partners
2. Search of matching partner
Partner profiles and requirements for required experts must be defined carefully
Potentials must be identified systematically as well as analyzed and evaluated
Mediation of trusted business contacts is a key success factor in establishing strategic networks
3. Establish strategic networks
Set up of networks with promising future good prospects
Cross-border thinking and planning
5. Utilize successful networks
Coordination of strategic or project-specific collaborative and cooperation projects
Realization of sponsorship project
Establishing collective F&E projects
Teaming up to make proposals or execute projects
4. Initiation of collaborative projects and cooperation
Prepare networks to gain strategic positions in competition
Define management rules between partners
Definition of income and risk sharing in the very beginning as basis for a successful network
Our references and expertise
Establishment of a network of association in the aviation and space travel
Initiation of and support for the network of space –Small and Medium Enterprises
Research and implementation of the formation of virtual companies in the aerospace supply chain for customer orders
Support of an alliance for an innovative satellite system
Teaming for ZIM research projects
Teaming of experts to find single-source solutions to challenges