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INTERGEO / INTERAERIAL SOLUTIONS, Stuttgart - another success!

Autorenbild: CRNCRN

Aktualisiert: 25. Dez. 2020

CRN Management GmbH, together with its partners TVN Connect, Condor, German Drones and U-ROB, presented interesting products and services at a joint booth. Besides the wide product range of indoor copters, multicopters, VTOL fixed wing aircraft and helicopter with up to 30 kg payload, we were able to present our professional services to an expert and international group of visitors:

+ Live distribution with camera copters, e.g. of sports events

+ Exterior and interior inspections of industrial plants, e.g. chimneys, acid tanks

+ Exploration of raw materials with different UAS-based magnetometer systems

+ Detection of environmental pollutants with UAS-based radiometer system

+ Detection of unexployded ordnance (UXO) with UAS-based magnetometer systems.

The great response from visitors encourages us to optimise the special services we have developed in terms of performance, costs and customer needs and to offer them to the market to a greater extent.

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